Gravity movie Summary Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller directed by Alfonso Cuarón. The film follows the story of Dr. Ryan Stone, a medical engineer, and astronaut Matt Kowalski,…
Jurassic Park trilogy Summary Jurassic Park:Jurassic Park, directed by Steven Spielberg, takes place on Isla Nublar, a fictional island where a wealthy businessman named John Hammond has created a theme…
Most viewed movies of 2012. Summary The viewed movies of 2012 were those that garnered widespread attention and attracted large audiences. These films not only achieved commercial success but also…
Most viewed movies of 2013. Summary Here is a list of notable movies released in 2013 along: "Gravity": Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, this science fiction thriller follows a medical engineer…
Most viewed movies of 2014 Summary Here is a summary of the most viewed movies of 2014: "American Sniper": Directed by Clint Eastwood, this biographical war drama starring Bradley Cooper…
Most viewed movies of 2015. Summary Here are some of the most viewed movies of 2015: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - This highly anticipated sequel to the original Star…
Most viewed movies of 2016. Summary The most viewed movies of 2016 were a mix of action, animation, and fantasy. Here is a summary of the top five most viewed…
The most watched movies of 2017 based on their overall popularity and box office success The most watched movies of 2017 based on their overall popularity and box office success…
Most watched movies of 2018 based on their overall popularity and box office success The following list includes some of the most viewed movies of 2018, based on their overall…
Most viewed movies of 2019. Summary These movies were highly anticipated and gained significant popularity, exact viewership numbers can vary based on factors such as location, release date, and audience…